QOLT: Quality Online Learning & Teaching

I have designed my online and hybrid courses to model the Quality Online Learning and Teaching (QOLT) rubric, an evidence based model for effective online teaching and learning developed at the California State University system. The QOLT rubric is organized into 9 different sections that promote quality in online and hybrid courses. My courses are also a reflection of the knowledge I have learned while completing the Online Teaching Preparation Program (OTPP), an online faculty development course at CSUCI. The OTTP is an intensive 6 week course that teaches instructors how to follow the 9 principles covered in the QOLT rubric. By completing the OTTP, I have earned a certificate for Humanized, Connected Online Teaching & Learning. This page showcases aspects of my online course that adhere to the QOLT rubric and display effective teaching online in an engaging and humanized manner.

Digital Badge for Completing OTTP.

Please click on the link below to read my reflections on humanizing online classes:
My Reflections on Humanizing Online Learning


Below are 2-3 minute video examples from my online course that showcase the implementation of the QOLT Rubric:

Video 1 – Integrating QOLT Objectives 1.1 and 1.2:

A successful online learning experience begins with an introduction to the course essentials. The class should clearly convey what students will learn, how they will learn it, and who they will learn with.

1.1 Instructor uses course environment to provide clear and detailed instructions for students to begin accessing all course components such as syllabus, course calendar, and assignments.

1.2 Detailed instructor information is available to students and includes multiple formats for being contacted by students, availability information, brief biographical information, and a picture and/or video of the instructor.

Video 2 – Integrating QOLT Objectives 1.3-1.6:

1.3 Course description includes the purpose and format of the course, as well as prerequisite knowledge and competencies, if applicable.

1.4 Online etiquette expectations for various forms of course communication and dialog (e.g., chat, “hangout,” email, online discussion) are presented and clear to the student.

1.5 A link to the CI Academic Dishonesty policy is provided. http://www.csuci.edu/studentlife/student-conduct/academic-dishonesty.htm

1.6 A list of technical competencies necessary for course completion is provided; identifying and delineating the role/extent the online environment plays in the total course.

Video 3 – Integrating QOLT Objectives 1.7 and 1.8:

1.7 Instructor provides samples of student work and provides opportunities for students to ask questions.

1.8 Instructor asks students to share their own learning goals.


Video 4 – Integrating QOLT Objectives 4.1-4.3:

Effective online learning is active and student-centered. Regular student-student interactions foster a sense of belonging among learners and introduce students to diverse perspectives.

4.1 At the beginning of the course, instructor provides an opportunity to have students self-introduce to develop the sense of community.
4.2 Instructor provides the information about how to be a successful online learner/student.

4.3 Navigation throughout the online components of the course is logical, consistent, and efficient.

Video 5 – Integrating QOLT Objectives 4.4-4.7:

4.4 Learning activities facilitate and support active learning that encourages frequent and ongoing peer-to-peer engagement.
4.5 The modes and requirements for student interaction are clearly communicated.
4.6 Instructor clearly explains his or her role regarding participation in the online environment. Instructor participates and manages, yet lets students take reasonable ownership.
4.7 The course learning activities help students understand fundamental concepts, and build skills useful outside of the course.

In conclusion, the skills that the students learn while engaged in my online Chemistry and Society course can be applied to their life outside the classroom. The students learn to critically think and analyze news and journal articles. The chemistry principles they learn can be applied to their everyday life, such as nutrition and water issues in California. They also learn to work in a team effectively, which can be applied to most jobs and many life situations. They also are required to be self-disciplined to complete an online course. Overall, the QOLT and online format promote and enhance the material taught in Chemistry and Society.

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